Friday, August 28, 2015

So Apparently US Music Industry Executives Have No Love for Rap ...

Music Trade magazine Billboard have reportedly conducted a survey among US music industry executives and results indicate that they apparently despise rap and adore Taylor Swift.

More than 50 “top executives” completed an anonymous survey for the magazine, and the initial results are interesting to say the least.

Taylor Swift was named as the artist they would most like to sign if they were starting up a new label, which given her current form is completely understandable. Lady Gaga was in second place and Adele in third. To add to Taylor swift’s popularity, 70% said yes when asked: “Do you root for Taylor Swift?”

There was a surprisingly caring side shown as more than half – 58% – agree that that the music industry is not fair to artists, and Lady Gaga was named as the person who should be running a record company but isn’t.

Three further questions looked at the digital world where:

–          62% claimed they knew more about technology than the average 14 year old;

–          54% said they would work at Apple or Spotify if it offered the same money;

–          71% said Jay Z’s streaming service, Tidal, would survive less than a year.

The oddest result, however among the music industry executives – and one that suggests the sample was a little bit skewed towards one demographic – came when they were asked which type of music they despised the most. Rap came top, with EDM in second and Pop third.

Billboard’s survey – whose full results are due in September – has been the subject of enormous controversy over some of its questions, notable one that asked: “Who do you believe: (i) Kesha [or] (ii) Dr Luke.” Kesha is taking legal action against producer and songwriter Dr Luke, accusing him of rape. He has issued a countersuit claiming she is using extortion to try to break a contract.

The full results of the Billboard survey are due out in September. Music manager Irving Azoff – who topped Billboard’s music power list in 2012 – condemned the publication. “If Billboard wants to survey the music industry, they should ask people in the biz what they think about their publication,” he told the New York Post. “Maybe then they’d understand how fully they’ve turned a formerly respected brand into an irrelevant joke.”

In response to this, Billboard issued the following statement about Azoff: “We are aware of the personal grousings of Irving Azoff about Billboard and are sorry he won’t be filling out the survey.”


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